Books Written, Edited, or Contributed to by Joshua Charles
Persecuted from Within: How the Saints Endured Crises in the Church
Many Catholics have either left the Church or been scandalized by the errors or immorality rampant in her clergy. We’ve watched aghast as faithful Catholics have been restricted or punished without just cause, while those who confuse, contradict, or undermine the Faith are elevated. In this bold and urgent book, the authors notice an apparent absurdity: those most disciplined by the Church at this time are often least deserving of correction. This protracted state of confusion and injustice, plain for all to see, has shaken the faith of millions.
Far from being just another diatribe, these absorbing pages provide a deeply illuminating historical perspective, revealing how this chaotic period in the Church is hardly unprecedented — or unpredicted. Instead, it represents a recurring feature of life in the Church throughout her history and is even a part of the divine plan. With this context, you will be able to make sense of and discover solutions to our present suffering.
You will learn:
• When to obey — and when to disobey — a priest or bishop; how several saints were purified and sanctified by unholy superiors
• What not to do when responding to the crisis of persecution in the Church
• How Christ both predicted and prefigured the sufferings of His Church at the hands of wicked prelates
• Practical ways you can respond and share the truth
• Achievable means to embolden your faith and remain obedient while correcting error
• How to talk to non-Catholics about the pandemic of filth and error in the Church
What not to do when responding to the crisis of persecution in the Church
How Christ both predicted and prefigured the sufferings of His Church at the hands of wicked prelates
Practical ways you can respond and share the truth
Achievable means to embolden your faith and remain obedient while correcting error
How to talk to non-Catholics about the pandemic of filth and error in the Church
When to obey — and when to disobey — a priest or bishop; how several saints were purified and sanctified by unholy superiors
What not to do when responding to the crisis of persecution in the Church
How Christ both predicted and prefigured the sufferings of His Church at the hands of wicked prelates
Practical ways you can respond and share the truth
Achievable means to embolden your faith and remain obedient while correcting error
How to talk to non-Catholics about the pandemic of filth and error in the Church
You will see how eleven of the greatest Catholics in history — canonized saints all — suffered from undeserved persecution by their superiors and even betrayal by clergy and how this suffering was part of their sanctification, serving as a heroic model for us today. You will contemplate the valor and wisdom of priests from the earliest days of the Church; of lay people from St. Joan of Arc to St. Thomas More; of religious, such as Sts. Teresa of Ávila, John of the Cross, and Alphonsus Liguori; and of modern-day giants, including St. Padre Pio and Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. As you travel with these remarkable characters across twenty centuries and four continents, you will see the wisdom of the divine plan and be encouraged to defend the Church through this present hour of darkness.
Additionally, you will find thorough and orthodox explanations of doctrine concerning Church authority, fraternal correction, and the virtue of obedience, as well as a practical plan to redeem our current shameful chapter in Church history. This book stands as a valuable and heartening resource for pastors, catechists, and those who seek to “counsel the doubtful” and “comfort the afflicted.”
Approximately 900 beautifully illustrated articles embedded in the Bible text that explore worldwide significant developments, events, and historical personalities.
4-color maps, reproductions of fine art, and photographs of artifacts throughout the Bible.
Short narrative accounts from some surprising historical and modern people telling the impact of the Bible on their life.
A 365-day topical reading plan based on major impact themes. Each of the seven major themes begins with an engaging 2,000-word overview article to inspire readers.
Theme index and Names and Places index.
The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization
Catholics have always known that Satan wages a constant war against the Church. But the past three centuries have witnessed a far more radical onslaught than ever before, leading to a rapid and universal apostasy among formerly Christian nations. Who or what is behind this greatest of all apostasies from the Catholic Church? According to this prophetic book, it is Freemasonry.
Originally published by Monsignor George Dillon, DD, in 1885 in response to Pope Leo XIII’s call to “tear away the mask from Freemasonry,” The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization lays out the facts of Freemasonry, its history, and its anti-Christic ideology. Though written over 130 years ago, it remains stunningly relevant. Monsignor Dillon details the Masonic plot to de-Christianize the world through the separation of Church and state, “democratic” ideology, religious indifferentism, civil marriage and easy divorce laws, secularized education, the encouragement of moral decay among the population, the destruction of the temporal and spiritual authority of the pope, all animated by an atheistic Socialist, Communist, and ultimately pantheistic ideology of nature worship that will climax with the arrival of the antichrist. The result was considered so trustworthy that Pope Leo XIII endorsed it and paid for its translation and printing in Italian.
This cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theory.”
But as Monsignor Dillon makes clear, the duty of Catholics in light of this war of the antichrist with the Church and Christian civilization remains constant: to love God above all, our neighbors as ourselves, and to confront evil wherever we find it—first within ourselves, and then in the world around us. Only by bearing the cross with Our Lord during these dark days can we secure salvation for ourselves and others.
Approximately 900 beautifully illustrated articles embedded in the Bible text that explore worldwide significant developments, events, and historical personalities.
4-color maps, reproductions of fine art, and photographs of artifacts throughout the Bible.
Short narrative accounts from some surprising historical and modern people telling the impact of the Bible on their life.
A 365-day topical reading plan based on major impact themes. Each of the seven major themes begins with an engaging 2,000-word overview article to inspire readers.
Theme index and Names and Places index.
Faith and Liberty Bible
The Faith and Liberty Bible offers 813 articles and quotations from people in American history who have drawn on the Bible in their work and writings. Each piece is annotated and reviewed by a team of scholars of American history, law, and religion and placed near a biblical passage it quotes.
As a reference (including an index of Bible citations and allusions) it will help you discover new depths to history as you uncover the significant influence of the Bible on the American experience.
But the Faith and Liberty Bible also invites you into your own encounter with the Bible’s message in the company of the parents, leaders, writers, educators, and reformers whose lives and work it has touched.
The articles are organized by six values—faith, liberty, justice, unity, hope, and love—and ten topical tracks from Liberty and Law to Education and Virtue to Slavery and Abolition.
Discover how, in the American experience, faith guides liberty toward justice.
Approximately 900 beautifully illustrated articles embedded in the Bible text that explore worldwide significant developments, events, and historical personalities.
4-color maps, reproductions of fine art, and photographs of artifacts throughout the Bible.
Short narrative accounts from some surprising historical and modern people telling the impact of the Bible on their life.
A 365-day topical reading plan based on major impact themes. Each of the seven major themes begins with an engaging 2,000-word overview article to inspire readers.
Theme index and Names and Places index.
Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders (#1 Amazon Bestseller)
Written during his first year of law school, Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders is the magnum opus of Joshua’s recently completed 20’s, and was the result of 5 years of in-depth research into the writings of the Founders.
As he wrote in the Introduction:
I wrote this book for one reason, and one reason only: to reintroduce my fellow countrymen to the Founders of our country and the vision of a free society they articulated, defended, and constructed, in their own words.
Recognizing that in a world of 24/7 news, Tweets, and never-ending entertainment, an in-depth study of the Founders would be out of reach for most Americas, Joshua sought to bring the Founders’ vision to them. He has frequently described this book as “the biography of an idea.” With over 1,000+ quotes from only original sources, Joshua brilliantly weaves together the words of the Founders on issues such as the heart of the American Revolution, the nature of liberty, the purpose of government, what maintains liberty, the thorny issue of slavery, and what causes liberty to be lost. The reader will be stunned by the relevance of the Founders’ insights to today. The result is a coherent narrative that he hopes inspires his fellow citizens to go deeper, to pick up the dusty, but not forgotten writings of the Founders, and rediscover in all their glory the inheritance they left us.
The choice is ours—and with it, the fate of our Republic.
Founding Prophets: Human Nature and History
What is Liberty?
Government of the People: Liberty’s Protector
The Constitution: Liberty’s Charter
Religion, Virtue, and Morality: Liberty’s Sentinels, Part I
Knowledge and Education: Liberty’s Sentinels, Part II
”Every Man under His Own Vine and Fig Tree”: Liberty’s Dream
Slavery: Liberty’s Hypocrisy
Tyranny of the Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength: Liberty’s Death
Conclusion: Liberty’s Resurrection
Global Impact Bible
Joshua served as the Concept Developer and Senior Editor for the Global Impact Bible, which was the first Bible published by the new Museum of the Bible, in Washington, D.C.
The Global Impact Bible is one of the most comprehensive and thought-provoking resources for exploring the deep impact, historical significance, and influence of the best-selling book of all time. Through more than 900 articles, this 4-color, highly illustrated Bible illuminates and enlivens the Bible as powerful living text. Inspirational and reader-friendly, the Global Impact Bible sheds light on the many surprising ways the Bible has influenced our lives and our world. Uses the English Standard Version (ESV) translation.
Includes over 900 four-color, illustrated articles revealing the Bible's influence on: science & medicine; education & literacy; government & politics; exploration & commerce; arts & entertainment; languages, and human relations.
Approximately 900 beautifully illustrated articles embedded in the Bible text that explore worldwide significant developments, events, and historical personalities.
4-color maps, reproductions of fine art, and photographs of artifacts throughout the Bible.
Short narrative accounts from some surprising historical and modern people telling the impact of the Bible on their life.
A 365-day topical reading plan based on major impact themes. Each of the seven major themes begins with an engaging 2,000-word overview article to inspire readers.
Theme index and Names and Places index.
The Original Argument (#1 NYT Bestseller)
Moved to action by his increasing concern for our nation, Joshua, while still in college, was inspired to take the famed Federalist Papers, written by Founding Fathers Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, and “translate” them into contemporary English so that more Americans could understand them—and he knew he had to get them to Glenn Beck.
Through a remarkable series of providential events you can hear about here, he succeeded, and would go on to co-author The Original Argument: The Federalists’ Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century with Glenn, which was based on Joshua’s manuscript. The book would go on to be a #1 New York Times Bestseller.
Alongside the “translations” of the most important papers are short essays written by various authors explaining the importance of those papers.
Featured Federalist Papers
Federalist Nos. 1, 2, 9-12, 17, 23, 28, 32-33, 36-37, 39, 41-47, 51, 56-58, 62, 68-69, 71, 78, 80, 84-85
God, Israel, and You: The Scandalous Story of a Faithful God
Co-authored with one of his close friends, Israel-expert Michael Onifer, God, Israel and You offers a fresh and insightful perspective on an over-saturated and over politicized subject—the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The book invites you to think honestly and courageously about Israel, and is specifically geared toward Millennials. Rather than coming at the issues with an us-versus-them mentality, God, Israel, and You reveals a God who is involved and gets His hands dirty by working through flawed people like you and me.
The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is an increasingly polarized topic. Support for Israel among younger Christians is dropping at an alarming rate. The power of personal narrative elevates emotion over information, and conclusions about Israel often lack historic and ideological context, as well as the benefits of a cultivated biblical world view. The result is a shallow understanding of biblical justice, and compassion void of wisdom.
God, Israel, and You attempts to bridge the gap by providing a courageous and honest look at Jesus, His involvement throughout redemptive history, and how that interaction relates to these issues today. It makes the case for Israel by highlighting God’s redemptive purposes for both Jews and Palestinians, and how, instead of attempting to create our own stories, we can actually fit into God’s story.
Mind, Heart, & Soul: Intellectuals and The Path to Rome
In a series of fascinating interviews, a cradle Catholic (Robert P. George) and an adult convert (R. J. Snell) offer the stories of sixteen converts, each a public intellectual or leading voice in their respective fields, and each making a significant contribution to the life of the Church. Joshua was included among those interviewed for this book, and has a chapter devoted to his conversion story.
Mind, Heart, and Soul is a Surprised by Truth for a new generation. It will both reinvigorate the faith of Catholics, and answer the questions and address the hurdles those discerning entering the Church may have…by people who have had the same questions and the same road.
While some of the converts are well-known, their stories are not. Here they speak for themselves, providing the reasons for belief that prompted these accomplished men and women to embrace the ancient faith.
Included are interviews with a bishop, a leading theologian and priest, a member of the International Theological Commission, a former megachurch pastor, a prominent pro-life scholar, professors from Harvard and other universities, as well as journalists and writers, novelists and scholars. Each are interviewed by another leading scholar, many of whom are themselves converts and familiar with the hesitations, anxieties, discoveries, and hopes of those who discover the Faith.
These conversion stories remind us that the Catholic Church retains her vitality, able to provide answers and reasons for hope to new generations of believers, always sustained by the Holy Spirit. It is all too-easy to become discouraged in our day and age, but God never fails to call people to Himself, as evidenced by these remarkable stories.
Converts Interviewed
Rev. James D. Conley—Sister Prudence, Allen, R.S.M—Ulf and Birgitta Ekman
Adrian Vermeule—Father Thomas Joseph White, O.P.—Kirsten Powers—Joshua Charles
Matthew Schmitz—Julia Yost—Karin Oberg—Hadley Arkes—Timothy Fuller—Lucy Beckett
Michael Ward—Erika Bachiochi—Chad C. Pecknold—Douglas M. Beaumont