Destruction of Empire #4: Polybius—When Empires Get Too Powerful and Too Rich for Their Own Good (Greece/Rome)

The ancient Greek statesman and historian, Polybius, offered a penetrating prediction about what was in store for the Roman Republic once it attained absolute supremacy.

His prediction turned out to be accurate, which makes it as relevant today as it was 2,200 years ago.

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Trotsky's Prophecy of a Communist America

In these days of shut-down economies, massive government aid to a majority of the population, and the propping up of institutions and corporations by a central bank and government, it is perhaps necessary to ponder this prophecy by one of the grandfathers of Soviet Communism, Leon Trotsky, about how America would spearhead the advance of Communism in the future…

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The “Great Crusade” of D-Day

Today, 75 years ago, Allied armies stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, to begin the final liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny…May we in the West today become worthy of our ancestors.  Because right now—we are not.

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Joshua Charles
This Nazi Mocked God—God Got the Last Laugh

Goebbels mocked the idea that the Old Testament curses of Yahweh against the enemies of the Jewish people were of any concern…But not even six years later, the “Thousand Year Reich” was in the ash heap of history, and the State of Israel was reborn as the national home of the Jewish people after their nearly 2,000 years of exile from the Land of Israel.

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Solzhenitsyn's Chilling Warning to College Students Tempted by Socialism

“All you freedom-loving “left-wing” thinkers in the West!  You left laborites!  You progressive American, German, and French students!  As far as you are concerned, none of this amounts to much.  As far as you are concerned, this whole book of mine is a waste of effort.  You may suddenly understand it all someday—but only when you yourselves hear “hands behind your backs there!” and step ashore on our Archipelago.”

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Medieval Muslim Historian: Low Taxes Build, High Taxes Destroy Civilization

Ibn Khaldûn isn’t exactly a household name—but he should be, especially for conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarian…In short, Khaldûn believed that low taxes helped build civilization, and high taxes helped destroy civilization.  Not only that, but he observed that lower taxes tended to bring in more revenue, while higher taxes tended to bring in less revenue.

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Did God Prevent the Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple?

I recently discovered an extremely fascinating historical event I had never heard about: apparently, there was a serious attempt to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem after it was destroyed in AD 70.  Not only that, but the attempt was thwarted by an odd series of seemingly cataclysmic events: fire burst forth from the foundations, along with a great earthquake, preventing the workers from completing their work.  The project was abandoned.  Some accounts include assertions that the sign of the cross appeared in the sky, as well as on the garments of the workers.

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