In 1908, the young Winston Churchill offered a witty retort to the socialist presumption to be “Christian.”
Read MoreIbn Khaldûn isn’t exactly a household name—but he should be, especially for conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarian…In short, Khaldûn believed that low taxes helped build civilization, and high taxes helped destroy civilization. Not only that, but he observed that lower taxes tended to bring in more revenue, while higher taxes tended to bring in less revenue.
Read MoreFranklin’s main point is one well worth considering in our own time: short-circuiting consequences can sometimes be charitable—it can also be foolish…simply throwing money at people and situations can sometimes be the worst way to address the problem, and ultimately do more harm than good.
Read MoreFranklin believed that gratuitous welfare offered a powerful incentive to not work, and thus remain poor, rather than rise out of poverty…[He] knew there were only “Two D’s” to choose between: Dignity, or dependence.
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