Posts tagged Israel
Becoming Catholic #24: Where is the True Church? A Typological Connection Between Ancient Israel and the Catholic Church

The Church’s structure, like that of ancient Israel, is very simple, and straightforward. All you have to do is answer “yes” to two questions: (1) Are you in one of the tribes (are you under an Apostle/his successor)? And (2) Is your tribe in communion with the head tribe (is your Apostle/bishop in communion with Peter/his successor)?

That’s it.

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Faith of the Founders #5: Jefferson, God and Inaugurals

While Thomas Jefferson’s religious beliefs are the subject of ongoing and fierce debate, it is nonetheless surprising how religious his two most public statements as President of the United States were.  They acknowledge God; they invoke His aid; they compare the United States with ancient Israel; they appeal to an overruling Providence; and they assert religious liberty, all at the same time.

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Was John Adams a Zionist?

So what was Adams? Philo-Semitic? Anti-Semitic?  Zionist?  Most historical figures don’t fit neatly into our present categories, and the same is true of John Adams.  But there can be no doubt that he was a great admirer of the Jews, and that he looked forward to the day when they would be re-established as a nation in their ancient homeland of Judea.

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