Posts tagged Peter
Becoming Catholic #34: Jewish Roots of Catholic Authority, Part 4—What Was the Jewish Understanding of Jesus’s Words About “Binding and Loosing”?

The Jewish understanding of the terms “bind and loose” is essentially the same as, or compatible with, the Catholic understanding of the authority given to the Apostles and their successors to teach and govern the Church with God’s authority and ratification.

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Becoming Catholic #12: Why Acts 15 Led Me to the Catholic Church

Long before I had even read a single word by a Catholic apologist or a Church Father, I read the Bible’s account of the Council of Jerusalem and simply had no way to fit it into any of a variety of protestant frameworks for a “biblical church.”  Further study eventually led me to conclude that the Church, from its earliest days, was (1) Catholic; (2) Authoritative; (3) Infallible; (4) Apostolic; and (5) Hierarchical in a way that matched the Catholic Church to this very day.

I was thus faced with a fundamental question—since the Bible clearly portrays a Church of this nature, and never says those features ended, where is that Church today?

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